Sunday, June 10, 2018

Converting Madeira 40 to Madeira 50 (Part 2)

It was time to test Madeira 40 on water with bigger Dellorto 38/34 carburetors.
I did not change the propeller so the test was done using Signature 11 1/4 X 18 semi-cleaver.

This summarizes the gains in top speed best:

I did not notice any increase in the top speed and the motor did not reach higher RPMs.
So bigger carburetors do not necessarily mean more power. The outboard was also stalling at trolling speed, I need to work with the fuel/air mixture screws.

The remaining difference compared to 50 HP model is the cylinder head, I'm planning to replace also that and see what happens.


  1. hi,
    i have the same outboard
    thanks for the blog

  2. bigger carbs almost always increase top end speed, as long as compression is raised. without changine the cylinder head, your results are as expected. to get around this, lean out the main jets 2 or 3 steps/

  3. Hi there, I have a 50hp Madeira and I am suffering with the engine not starting every time without the choke and also stalling at idle speed in gear, do you have any advice on how to set these up ?
